Steamed scallops in the shell with ginger, soy, sesame oil and spring onions


Rick says "This is a favourite dish of mine from a good Chinese restaurant. I regard Chinese seafood cookery as among the best in the world."


16 prepared scallops in the shell
1 tsp finely chopped fresh ginger
1 tbsp sesame oil
2 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp roughly chopped coriander
3 spring onions, thinly sliced



Pour 2.5cm of water into the base of a wide shallow pan and bring it up to the boil. Loosen the scallops from their shells but leave them in place. Sprinkle each one with some of the ginger.
Arrange the scallops, in batches if necessary, on a petal steamer. Lower them into the pan, reduce the heat to medium, cover and cook for about 4 minutes until just set. Remove and keep warm while you cook the rest.
Meanwhile, put the sesame oil and soy sauce into a small pan and warm through.
Lift the scallops on to 4 warmed plates and pour over some of the warm soy sauce and sesame oil. Sprinkle over the coriander and spring onions and serve immediately.

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