Grilled hake with fish fumet sauce recipe


Fish cookery doesn't come easier than grilling a fillet of hake. This recipe pairs it with a sauce made of fish stock, butter, lemon juice and chives.

Watch Rick cook this simple dish

Ingredients and method

2 fillets of hake, around 180g
Around 400ml fish fumet (fish stock reduced by half)
Small bunch of chives, chopped
Juice of half a lemon
75g unsalted butter, plus a little extra for cooking

Rick's peppermix

1 tsp black peppercorns
1 tsp white peppercorns
1 tsp chipotle chilli
1 tsp mulato chili
1/3 tsp Szechuan pepper
1 tsp salt


1) To make Rick's peppermix, simply blitz all the ingredients together in a spice grinder. Be sure to leave a little texture in the mix.

2) For the fish, turn on your grill to high and a melt a little butter to brush over the fish before adding a good spinkling of peppermix. Place under the grill to cook for 4 to 5 minutes - you're aiming for crispy skin.

3) Whilst the fish is cooking, bring the fish fumet up to a boil and gradullay add the cold, cubed unsalted butter stiring as you go. Toss in the herbs and a squeeze of lemon juice to finish.

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