Low in fat - Landed in Cornwall - Fresh and ready to cook
A close relative to cod, Haddock is firm and white, high in protein and low in fat.
Rick 'It's just as good as cod and, while it lacks the whiteness and beautiful fakes of that fish, it has a slightly sweeter flavour.'
Enjoy haddock with one of our favourites, Dugléré sauce. This sauce is one of the first classic French sauces Rick used at The Seafood Restaurant and it’s worth trying at home.
Griddled haddock, known as Haddock a la Plancha in Spain, is a great way to cook fresh haddock fillets, especially small Cornish haddock. Rick blends caramelised garlic with olive oil to create a flavour that perfectly complements haddock. Quick and easy, serve with new potatoes.
A fish from the cod family with a dark and light grey skin. Produces large, moist white flakes of fish with no small bones. Slightly more flavour than cod but flesh not quite as white or as firm. It can be used the same way as cod so can be grilled, pan fried or braised. An excellent fish for smoking. Can also be home-salted like cod.