How to make mayonnaise

Rick's mustard mayonnaise recipe is based on those found with fruits de mer or langoustines in Brittany and Normandy. It's the same recipe we use in all our restaurants - the real deal.

Homemade mayonnaise really is superior to shop bought and once you've got the knack you'll make it time and time again to pair with Rick's top tip, white Cornish crab meat, some decent bread and a glass or two of white wine. Patience is key to successfully making mayonnaise - take it steady when adding the oil.

Watch Rick to discover this simple recipe

Ingredients and method


- 300ml sunflower oil
- 1 whole egg
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp white wine vinegar
- 1 tbsp hot English mustard


1) Put the whole egg, vinegar, mustard and salt into a food processor (if you haven’t got one a bowl will be fine for a more manual method) and whisk together.

2) Start adding the oil very slowly, literally a drop at a time at first. If you go too quickly, your mayonnaise will split. Then keep adding the oil in a very slow, fine stream until the mixture is really thick.

3) Check the seasoning, adding more salt if required, then set aside.

Serve with white crab meat, a few hunks of decent bread and your favourite white wine.


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